Tuesday, March 6, 2007

The Splasher!

It's official--Ryan was the best splasher at the pool. That boy can swoop his arms and water goes clear across the pool and into the eyes of innocent by-standers. He even enjoyed the small pool with bubbles! We let him hot tub...a little...to warm up his blue lips. Dad had to run to the sauna to defreeze every once in a while too! It was enjoyable, only we didn't get good sleep and meals were a little hectic as our toddler had "ants in his pants." The biggest disappointment of the weekend was the fact that I didn't take any pictures. Our time with Hailee and Jakob and Ryan was priceless. Hailee is so brave...she jumps right in and goes right under.

I'm feeling alot better. We're awaiting our ultrasound on Mar. 22 when we hope to find out the sex of the baby. I'm starting to feel some movement and am growing out of my pants quickly. We've got a girl name but we're still considering boys names. Any ideas?


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you all had fun at pool, but your sleep & meals were a little shakey. Time with yourselves & your neice & neghew like you said is pricless. We look forward to hearing the sex of the baby! But we'll take boy or girl.Love to you all.

Anonymous said...

Hey I got a name if it's a boy
How about Ralphie, and if it's a girl how about Ellie

Love you guys

Anonymous said...


Lets stick with the baseball theme....

How about Jose, Barry, Placido, Magglio if its a boy :-)

For a girl, how about Sammy (Sosa).
