Thursday, August 16, 2007

Time is Flying!

I don't know where the time is going. There are still so many close friends that I haven't even called to share the news of Baby Tyler. I hope your staying "posted".

Ryan is a proud big brother, but is refusing to cooperate at times. Mostly, I think he is not used to having mom and dad at his disposal 24/7. We are doing our best to keep him in check during is stubborn spells. Thank goodness Tyler is so agreeable. Keep him clean and fed and he is just content. He is even doing well in the night. Ryan, however, climbs into bed with daddy every night and sleeps a little too close for Daddy's comfort. Oh well, we'll find our way. I'm working on baby announcements, stay tuned.

Oh, By the way Cindy...thank you for the "Lightning McQueen" pajamas. They are about the only way we can get Ryan to think about bed time.


Anonymous said...

Carol, what a beautiful family you all are!
Judging by the picture in the hospital, looks like you had an easy delivery. Or being able to carry Tyler in your arms instead of inside is really shinning thru!
Sandy Marry and I are comisserating to bring a picnic lunch for a visit next Monday. I'll call to make sure it's wanted and convenient!
Enjoy these days! Cindy

Anonymous said...

Great pic's Carol....They look so sweet together.Love to you all