Monday, March 10, 2008


So we had these really fun plans yesterday. To celebrate our anniversary, we were going to eat lunch at the Hunt Club with the kids and play video games. (We were going to make the trip on Saturday, but little Ryan became very irritable and disagreeable so he spent some time in Time-out instead.) We drove to Jackson to pick up some very cute 6 mos. pictures of Tyler only to have Ryan throw a tantrum in the middle of the mall. (We still don't know what triggered the tantrum.) Jim has never been so embarassed. He carried Ryan to the parking lot and had to walk all the way around Jackson Crossing to get to our truck near Sears. Jim was sweating by the time he got to the car. Tyler and I walked through the mall to get to the car so we got to avoid the scene. We headed straight home and did not allow Ryan to listen to Shrek CD or to play any video games for the entire day!

How disappointing. The whole family missed out on fun. I dread the day that one of the boys ruins the fun for the other one. It will be that much harder to do the right thing. I hope Ryan learned a valueable lesson. On a good note, at least we got the 2 boys down for a nap at the same time when we got home. Jim got to read the paper and watch some ESPN. I got to do some scrapbooking.

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