Thursday, April 17, 2008

Tyler in a box

Fun. Fun.

We're taking our last opportunities to keep Tyler contained. He has this basket full of toys and loves to empty it out. Afterward, I set him inside and he has alot of fun. Soon he will be discovering the world on foot so we thought we would enjoy this moment. He is so cute. And he is just lovable!
In honor of my sweeties and my new neice Avery, we are walking in a walk for March of Dimes in May. I know that times are tough for a lot of people (we're feeling a bit of a pinch too!) , but if you would like to make a charitable donation to March of Dimes, please contact me or mail me a check. (Even a small amount of even $5 will help) Or, if it sounds like fun...join us in a walk at Ella Sharp Park on May 25th, Memorial Weekend. It's a really pretty park with lots of stuff for kids. Let me know if you are interested.
I'll post again soon. I want to let you know how e-baying is going for Jim and I.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cute pic of tyler. He is so cute!!!!! Love to you all