Tuesday, July 13, 2010

All American Summer Pasttime

It's not easy to get everyone in the family to agree, but one thing is for sure. Our family loves a good baseball game. The boys were definately into the game and cheered them on like troopers while the littler ones walked around with the moms getting hot dogs, drinks, and playing on jumpy things. We even saw some special visitors and got autographs from Blue and Big Lug. Good Times. After the game, the kids ran the bases. Ryan and Brendan were too quick and I missed a good shot. I got a good one of Tyler who was so proud of himself and his accomplishment! (I'm so proud b/c Tyler made it through the day in undies with no accidents.)

1 comment:

grandma ell said...

Love all these photo's..fun day for you all to be together!!! Love ya