Thursday, October 6, 2011

Eat 'Em Up Tigers!

There's nothing quite as sad as disappointing your kids. We planned to head to a Tiger's game on backpack day b/c Ryan wanted to see the Tigers and he wanted to use the backpack for school. So we planned to go...but then it was sold out. Ouch. Luckily, a friend had tickets and with 3 girls, he said he could spare one...and so, Ryan got his backpack. Look at the delight.We're kinda scowling b/c my mom was taking the picture and I swear it was pointing to the ground. I mean, there was no way she got the shot. I guess I was wrong:) Who's your Tiger? The boys stood by the fence pre-game in hopes of getting some autographs. No such luck. We got some really sweet Maglio bats and got an extra somehow to give back to our backpack angel.

I'm so glad that my mom was with us. We were able to drop her off close enough to the stadium b/c we got there early. It was a super hot day and we all spent some time in the shade where the vending areas are. My mom is such a fan that she suffered through the heat more than I did. She really had a hard time getting back to the car. The traffic is so bad that she had to walk. We barely made it, she was in alot of pain. I hope the fun of the day was worth it....but I know she will probably enjoy the rest of the games in the comfort of her living room.

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