Thursday, March 29, 2007


For months, Jim and I have been limiting our excursions to quick shopping trips and few dinners out in fear that Ryan would misbehave. He has been a little booger in public on a few occasions, but each has been short-lived.

Last night, he gave me a taste of a real 2-year-old-temper-tantrum! For twenty minutes he screamed and whaled and kicked in his crib while I stationed myself outside his door waiting for a break in the tyrade. Not an enjoyable experience. I hope tonight goes better. I know this is the circle of life and I must admit that I still probably hold the record for most stubborn tantrum.


Anonymous said...

A though for you: Whoever coined the phrase "Terrible Two's" never had a Three Year Old!!!
(only 28 more days until my own 3 year old turns 4)

Unknown said...

Ooh, I can sooo relate to this! Calissa was worse before she was two and then again at three but two wasn't horrible. Stay strong! He will outgrow it eventually AND the good times do outweigh the tantrums by far right? :)