I had to take Tyler to the Med Station as he was quite boogery and congested. He was given an antibiotic. In order to protect the other children at day care, it is advised that a child stays home until he has been treated by antibiotic for 24 hours. Sooo...today, Tyler is spending the day with Aunt Wendy (thank you, thank you, thank you). I woke up this morning with a feeling of terrible guilt because I want to be home taking care of my little guy. Unfortunately, we have a new and very strict attendance policy at work. Plus, I have been so terribly busy that I just couldn't miss today.
You have all heard me blog and talk about how much more difficult it is to keep up with everyday life with two kids, full time jobs, and full time chores. This morning, we let Tyler sleep in because Jim didn't have to get him to Wendy until 8 a.m. We got Ryan and all of the bags around and actually had a few moments to sit and play. What a weird feeling.
Ryan was sad when he learned that Tyler would not be going to school today. I explained that Tyler need extra sleep today as he wasn't feeling well. Ryan agreed and we said we looked forward to after school when we could catch up with our buddy. The ride to Adrian was really quiet. There was no loud banter between the boys, no giggles, no blanket tossing in the back seat. And it felt really weird passing off only one boy to Miss Char today. We all missed our little guy. I'm relishing this moment as a reminder that life is busy and sometimes a bit overwhelming. Chores don't get done by themselves. Responsibilities don't let up, but I am blessed with this sweet little family. Without them, my life isn't complete. I wouldn't change a thing.