Monday, May 11, 2009

Invisible with 2 running kids

It's Monday. Had to show my face in person to be eligible for I ventured out today with both boys in tow. Totally felt invisible at MI Works. It seems someone would really want to help out a mom whose boys are trying to run all around. Every time I would get the kids seated to look at a book or draw...a whole line of people would cut in front of me and the darn receptionist would just move on. Finally, I stepped up and excused myself by saying "I don't mean to be rude, but I have been here a long time and seem to keep losing my turn." (Can we say take a number?) The whole process is absurd. I had already posted a resume online and applied for UC and all I had to do was log on to print my resume so that someone could initial it. What a waste of time and energy!
We did enjoy ourselves with a quick trip to Kmart and a stop at a park to play before heading home for Tacos, Cars, and naps for the little ones. (A little Facebook and scrapping for mom!)

Here's a picture from our recent trip to the zoo that I didn't share yet. Take care.

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