Thursday, March 12, 2009

Nineteen Minutes

I love to read. It helps me to relax and provokes thoughts about things that I may just otherwise be ignoring while caught up in my own little world. I just finished reading Jodi Picoult's Nineteen Minutes and am still having a hard time swallowing back the tears...and fear.

Here is a quote from the book that I will revisit often...

"Hold onto the past as if it was something to be treasured, instead of combing it for clues of failure."

As a perfectionist and control freak who has high expectations of herself, her family, and of the human race, I am trying to embrace this concept in hopes that allowing for imperfection in my everyday that I can release some of the burdens that hold me back from true happiness.

This book has some bright spots, and I am glad to have read it, but it really has me wondering more than ever if we can ever do enough as parents to ensure that we have well adjusted children. There's a fine line between love and tough love and I am really struggling to find balance.

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