Wednesday, December 17, 2008

December Daily 16 Tuesday

White knuckle drive home from work.
Ice covered wipers that refuse to defrost.
1-mile backup of traffic to turn on US-12.
Prayers that the last car approaching the back-up sees the back up in time.
Drop off boys and stomp down the slippery slope to the front door.
Head off to the village for some more work.
Pump gas in drizzly rain/snow. Slowest pump in the world.
Home at 7:30.
Ate the most delicious too toasted frozen pizza rewarmed in the mircrowave.
Two boys steal most delicious 2nd piece of pizza.
Rewarded myself with 2 mini-ice-cream-sandwiches (Couldn't stop @ 1)
Tyler to bed.
Mom to bed.
Ryan to bed with mom.
Jim to work.
Fell asleep to Polar Express.
Woke up to end of Polar Express b/c Ryan wanted the channel changed.
Turned off tv.
Said to Ryan, "Go to sleep."
Last memory of the night...Ryan says, "But I want to watch it again."
Rolled over.
And here is what the boys did with daddy. Skeet Ball. Fun.

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